Monday, October 19, 2009

How it begin?

It was way back in year 2007 where we just bought a poodle dog(Adam), from petsmore OUG. We got no idea how much trouble we will get into as we were staying in an apartment.
Still remember the problems of Adam getting used to the new environment etc. Training him to go to toilet was a big issues. He likes to pee all over the place and you will be surprise how he can mess up the whole house. Well, male is always a male.
Then one fine day, we got notification from apartment management office on the noises made Adam. The next day, our apartment water supply got cut off and have to pay penalty of reconnecting it. Renting another landed property, shop house etc came across our mind. All we wanted was just to live with Adam. So, we rented a 1st floor shop house just to keep him there. Every morning we will keep him there and bring him home after work. Adam wouldn't make noise as long as we are with him. I guess he is afraid of loneliness.
Thinking of solutions in long run, we decided to buy a landed property and keeping dogs is no longer an issue. It was never easy with all the funds being put together to buy a double storey house in KL. We were so excited and look forward for the house to be ready. Months past, then comes a phone call in the morning to ask us if we would sell the landed property and there is ready buyer for it. But the house was not ready and here goes all the investment and hard work of searching for a house. Nevertheless, we had always wanted to get into business. The only way, is to sell the house and with the money, we can start business.
With a handfull cash in hand, I traveled to China to seek opportunity. Came back with tons of ideas to start business and thus, we decided to open ladies boutique.
Thats were 57 Boutique comes into picture.